Cable and Lace Sock Pattern

Cable and Lace Socks

by knitsnthings

Cable and Lace Socks

Size: Ladies Medium Yarn: 2 skeins Knit Picks Gloss in Serengeti

Needles: 2mm double pointed needles or size required to attain correct gauge. Extra similar size needle or cable needle for cables.

Gauge: 9-10/inch in stockinette stitch.

For gauge help…


Abbreviations and symbols:

Kfb = Knit in front and back of the stitch.

P = purl

FC = Front cable (hold either one or two sts – as the case may be – on cable needle to back of work and knit either one or two remaining sts, knit sts on cable needle)

~ = Knit

\ = slip, slip, knit two slipped sts together.

/ = knit two together O = yarn over^ = slip one, slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitches, one at a time, over knitted stitch.M2 = make two by knitting into front and back of float between knit stitches.

Using eastern cast on method, cast on 16 sts.

Increase 4 sts each round by kfb in first and last stitch of top and bottom of toe. Continue to increase 4 sts each round until there are 52 sts.

Increase 4 sts every other round until there are 72 sts.

Work one round even.

Chart 1


Begin working chart on centre 32 stitches of instep (needle 3), while knitting the remaining sole stitches. Place markers as required.

Work two repeats of CHART ONE. On third repeat, first row, decrease six stitches evenly spaced beginning immediately after charted section. (66 stitches)  *I know this seems strange but this provided proper fitting for my foot.  Alternatively you could increase to 68 sts in the toe (rather than 72), knit two extra even rows, and decrease by two in this row, one on either side of Chart 1.

Work a total of 8 repeats or number desired. Sock should be about 2” short of desired finished length from tip of toe.

Place 32 stitches for instep on waste yarn, holder or extra needle.

Work a short row heel on 34 sts, decreasing to 12 stitches between wraps and increasing until all stitches have been recovered. Make a wrap on both sides of the last row and work these wraps with the first and last instep stitches, to prevent holes.

First half of heel;

  • row 1; (rs) knit across to the last heel stitch (do not work the last stitch), then turn the work around. There will be 1 stitch unworked.
  • row2; (ws) yo backward, purl to the last st, leaving 1 st unworked at this end of the needle.
  • row3; (rs) yo as usual and knit to the paired sts made by the yo of the previous row (the yo will stick out to the side of unworked st), leaving 3 stitches on the left needle (i.e., do not knit the pair), turn.
  • row4; (ws) yo backward and purl to the paired stitches made by the yo of the previous row – 3 stitches left unworked on left needle.

repeat rows 3 and 4 until there are 12 stitches between yarnovers and then begin the second half as follows;

  • row1; (rs) wrap and knit to the first st of the pair (yo and knit st), k1, correct the mount of the yo, k2tog (the yo with the first st of the next pair) leaving a yo as the first stitch on the left needle.
  • row2; (ws) yo backward, purl to the paired stitch made by the yo of the previous row, purl the first st of the pair, ssp (the yo with the first st of the next pair leaving a yo as the first st on the left needle).
  • row3;(rs) yo as usual, knit to the paired st made by the yo of the previous row, knit the first st of the pair (the following two loops are yo’s), correct the mount of the yo’s, k3tog (the two yo’s with the next st), turn.
  • row4;(ws) yo backward, purl to the next yo, sssp (slip 3 sts knitwise and purl tbl) (the two yo’s with the first st of the next pair)
  • row5; (rs) yo, knit to the next yo, k3 tog, turn.

Repeat rows 4 and 5 until all sts are worked. Wrap sts as usual after turning on final row. (these sts will be purled together with the first instep sts on each side to prevent holes)On last row, knit across sole stitches and purl wrap with first purl stitch of Chart One. (The second wrap will be purled with the last stitch of the instep when you get there)  

Place marker at beginning of round if required.

Resume working CHART ONE on instep stitches and begin working CHART TWO on remaining stitches (make one stitch knitwise as indicated on first row of CHART TWO).

The first round begins with CHART ONE (instep stitches). (67 stitches)

CABLE AND LACE CHART TWO(shows increases in cables on third row of second repeat. After this continue with four stitch cables for remainder of leg.CableLaceTwo Work charts one and two, increasing in each of the two stitch cables (to four stitch cables by kfb of the float between the knits) on the third row of the second repeat. I have shown this on Chart Two – do the same on Chart One. You will have increased a total of 8 stitches. (75 sts)Continuing with the charts, work until ten repeats (or as many as desired) have been completed decreasing in each of the four stitch cables on last row as follows; k1, k2tog, k1. You will now have 70 stitches.Work k1,p1 ribbing on these 70 stitches for approximately two inches.

Bind off loosely.

Enjoy 🙂


3 thoughts on “Cable and Lace Sock Pattern

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