Cosy Coat!

Good Morning 🙂

Here is a rare picture of me – usually I take most of the pictures so I’m not in many!  Seaming the Hedgerow Coat…


I am wearing the beautiful coat as we speak…it’s so soft and comfy…ANOTHER favorite sweater 🙂

The Pattern:  Hedgerow Coat by Deborah Newton

The Yarn:  Malabrigo merino worsted in the colour ‘Amoroso’

The Source:  Pattern found in Interweave Knits Fall 2007

The Size:  Smallest size

The Changes:  None

Here’s a picture of it last night…


I used just less than 9 skeins of the Malabrigo…216 yards per skein.  That means I have an extra skein for the headband!! 

My mom got a really nice, half done sweater, at the second hand store she works at.  It is intarsia, acrylic (but nice acrylic)…done in dk weight and all the yarn, pattern, needles, ‘keep track’ chart — everything is there.  Soooo…my next effort will be to finishing the sweater for my mom.  The sleeves are done and part of the front so not a HUGE job.

Have a great day… I’ll be the lady cuddling in the new sweater 🙂

3 thoughts on “Cosy Coat!

  1. It’s beautiful! The colour is so pretty, and suits you. :O) You did a great job on this project. Whose hind end is cuddling with you and the coat while you seam?

  2. Thanks :))

    That’s Mr. Luke the Basset Hound, forcibly cuddling me LOL. He doesn’t really understand about the knitting 😉

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