Autumn Rose is Finished!


Pattern:  Autumn Rose Pullover by Eunny Jang

Simply Shetland 4

Smallest size using 14 balls of Shetland Spindrift as called for in the pattern

Modifications:  I added a complete pattern repeat into the waist section

8 thoughts on “Autumn Rose is Finished!

  1. That’s beautiful, and it looks great on you! I can’t wait to start mine…the yarn is calling to me, but I’ve already got two other sweaters on the needles, and I think I should finish at least one of them before starting another.

  2. Why did you add to the pattern repeat at the waist? How much overall legnth did it add to your sweater? It looks great by the way!

  3. I added a repeat so that it would be a longer sweater…I’m longer than most standard patterns through the back so I’m in the habit of adding length to most things I knit or sew.

    I’m not certain how much length it added in total 🙂 I’m happy with how it fits though, I like how it sits at the hips rather than just coming below the waist. One nice thing about knitting and sewing is being able to custom fit!

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