
Oh Happy Day!

Yay, my tree skirt is finished!


I’m pretty happy with it…and happy to be finished it!  LOL, large projects always feel like they are taking forever, no matter whether they really are or not.  Those last few rows felt like a marathon!

You can’t quite see some of the tone on tone colourwork I did to prevent having to use plain blocks of colour.  I thought it makes it more interesting looking.

Basically I cast on 144 sts (12 panels of 12 sts) and increased (12 sts – one in each section) twice over six rows until I was to 118 rows.  You could continue it as far as you liked though.  For the colour pattern, I use graph paper and graph out one section only, as I go…more than once I had to add in more paper because I changed my mind, lol.


Those last 30 rows…

I’m plugging away at the Christmas tree skirt.  Almost there, but the rows are getting SO LONG.  I’m on row 86, the pattern I was originally looking at (and took the basics from) had 118 rows.  We’ll see how big it looks as it goes but I think I’ll stop at about the same point. 

I didn’t even let myself go to the mail today, LOL, because I’m expecting that wool and getting new wool is NOT conducive to finishing this project!

Right now I’ve got about a million (ok, really it’s 50) strands of yarn going at once.  I better get back to it!


Good Morning :)


My tree skirt is coming along pretty well!  I’m about half way, row-wise…which of course means I’m no where near half way knitting when you take into account the ever increasing row length, LOL, but it’s getting there 🙂  I’m pleased to be able to use my scraps for something we will really enjoy.

My mom is awesome 🙂  She found me this neato thing at a second hand store.  It is an older drop spindle set but hasn’t (from the looks of it) been used.  It is a beginner set (excellent, I am a beginner) with a spindle and an instruction book.  Who knows when I’ll get around to trying it but I have no doubt that someday I will 🙂


This week I shall be awaiting my wool (the malabrigo I ordered from ) and finishing this skirt. 

Enjoy your day! 🙂



So, Now Halloween is over and it’s time to focus on CHRISTMAS!!

I’ve finished a scarf for my nephew, tried to finish a matching hat…lol…didn’t swatch and designed it myself so it turned out baby sized and will be going to Christmas Cheer.   I’m sticking to the same idea and adding 20 sts to the next one.  They are hats using the ‘my so called scarf’ stitch, modified to work in the round.  

Because I’m frustrated by the non-fitting hat, I’ve put that aside for now and have cast on the ‘floral tree skirt’ from Handknit Holidays.  The pattern is by Michelle Rose Orne (which I just noticed) and she is the same designer that designed the composed mitts as it turns out!  I’m using stash yarn, mostly red heart….LOL, I added my stash to ravelry and I now feel obligated to find stash busting projects.  It seems I have a little wool problem!

Must go knit and de-Halloween this house, lol (the kids have decorated everything in sight).  Have a great day!